When you decide to start a web hosting reseller business, you may consider reselling domain names too. Both the services can really make your brand-new company more appealing to customers, as they will be able to have all that they need for their websites from a single place. This way, you will be able to target a lot more people and the total number of your prospective customers will rise. Lots of website hosting reseller back-end solutions come with the option to connect with a registrar company with the API of the latter, thus the registration process can be automated. Having your very own domain reseller account gives you additional control and will help you to supply more efficient and quicker support for your clients. Furthermore, the price that you'll pay for a new domain name is lower when compared to what you?d have to pay being an end customer. A deposit is usually needed for a new domain reseller account.

Enom Domain Name Reseller Account in VPS Web Hosting

When you get a virtual private servers from us and you choose the cPanel hosting Control Panel during the signup process, you won't need to look any further for a domain reseller account, since we will offer you one at no additional charge. Your account will be with one of the largest ICANN-accredited registrars, eNom, and it'll enable you to provide a large number of domain extensions to your customers - both generic & country-specific ones. The advantage of using the account that we'll give you is that it's under our account with them, so you won't need to pay the deposit they normally require and you will be able to register and renew website names at a more affordable price. You can use the eNom account with any payment software that you want to use to charge your clients, including ClientExec. The aforementioned is among the freebies that we provide with every single cPanel-based virtual server package.

Enom Domain Name Reseller Account in Dedicated Servers Hosting

We offer a totally free domain reseller account with all our dedicated servers hosting packages purchased with the cPanel web hosting Control Panel, so when you acquire a hosting server from us, we will provide you with everything you need to start up a prosperous reseller business in no time. The account shall be created under our own account with eNom, among the leaders on the domain registration market. It shall enable you to offer your clients all of the generic and country-code domain address extensions, so your services shall be more appealing to clients compared with what the competition can offer. The main advantage of using the 100 % free account from us is that we're using their top package, so all of the prices that you will see for the various extensions are the lowest possible. With just a few clicks, you could add the eNom account to any billing solution, like the ClientExec reseller platform, which we also provide free of charge.