A web accelerator is a program which quickens a site, typically by caching its content. There are various sorts of accelerators, but in the general case such apps cache static content or database responses and deliver them in place of the server, thus improving the performance of a site greatly. The latter is possible because accelerator programs work faster than a server and not only will a website work better, but the server load shall also decline, which will permit you to run heavy websites with less system resources. We offer 3 web accelerators with our hosting plans, which will allow you to increase the speed of any type of site. In comparison, most hosting providers don't provide any web accelerators or provide one, which limits your choice of web apps if you would like to employ this type of software.

Web Accelerators in Shared Web Hosting

In case you host your Internet sites in a shared web hosting account from our company, you will have three popular web accelerators to choose from if you would like to boost the sites' performance. Memcached is employed for database-driven websites and it caches the calls and requests between a website and its database, so it could reduce the load of such Internet sites considerably. Varnish caches entire pages the first time a website visitor opens them and delivers them from there on if the same visitor opens them again. It does that much faster than the hosting server, so it could raise the loading speed of any site approximately 300%. Node.js is an object-oriented platform for real-time programs which works on the hosting server and not inside the visitor's web browser. It's employed for accommodation booking, chats and other apps where a lot of data has to be processed in real time. The availability of those accelerators depends upon the hosting plan that you choose - they might come by default or as an upgrade. In each case, you will be able to add more instances or more memory for each of them.

Web Accelerators in Semi-dedicated Hosting

You shall be able to use Memcached, Varnish or Node.js for the Internet sites hosted inside your semi-dedicated hosting account depending on the nature of the site content. Memcached, in particular, caches database requests, therefore it is a fantastic option for any script app like WordPress or Joomla. That way, the database hosting server won't need to process exactly the same request if a number of users open a website with the same content. Varnish is very similar, but it is a general-purpose accelerator since it caches any type of content the first time a guest opens a site. In case this web page is opened again by the very same visitor, it will be provided by Varnish at a much higher speed compared to the server. Using this web accelerator will minimize the load generated by your sites tremendously. Last, but not least, Node.js will enable you to produce scalable web apps such as hotel booking websites or chats. Its advantage over similar platforms is that it does not wait for a client to submit a sizable piece of information, but processes whatever the customer is entering in real-time. The 3 web accelerators are available in the Hepsia Control Panel and you shall be able to pick how many instances of each and every one of them will run and the maximum amount of memory they may use.

Web Accelerators in VPS Web Hosting

In the event that you choose your virtual private server to be integrated with the Hepsia Control Panel, you'll be able to use Varnish, Memcached and Node.js - three of the most widespread web accelerators. Varnish caches webpages the first time they're visited and delivers them each time the same person visits them again, which shall boost any type of website several times. Memcached is employed for dynamic script apps like Joomla and WordPress as it caches database requests and responses, as a result the database web server won't need to process the same page each time guests open it in the event that the same content should be shown. Node.js is a platform for developing real-time applications for instance online games and chats. It works faster than similar platforms as it processes the information in tiny portions all the time and does not wait for users to enter a sizable piece of data that shall require more time to be processed. The 3 web accelerators are available with all Hepsia-based VPS solutions and include several hundred megabytes of dedicated memory.

Web Accelerators in Dedicated Servers Hosting

Memcached, Node.js and Varnish are offered by default with all our dedicated servers which are ordered with Hepsia as the Internet hosting CP. These three web accelerators offer several gigabytes of dedicated memory and you may employ them to speed up any type of website. Memcached can significantly minimize the load on the web server if you have script-driven sites as it caches database responses, so it lessens the amount of database queries that the web server has to take care of. Node.js shall permit you to create scalable applications with real-time user-server interaction like chats or dining booking websites. Its advantage over similar platforms is that it processes info the moment the user enters it, so all the info is handled faster and in small pieces. Varnish caches entire pages the first time a visitor opens them and provides them each and every time the same visitor opens them again, that makes it a universal accelerator for any sort of sites. Because it works faster than any server, it could speed up an Internet site at least several times and as a result, Varnish is one of the most popular web accelerators available on the market.